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Tips for Smooth Running Projects

 Jul 12, 2016

From small domestic work to large scale projects, 7 tips to help keep your projects going to plan:

1. Begin project planning well in advance:
identity the supplies you need that require longer lead time to ensure you have plenty of time to schedule ordering

2.Be loyal to suppliers:
stay with suppliers who have a good previous track record of delivering on time

3. Choose reliability over price:
use suppliers that are reliable even if they are slightly more expensive, the increased efficiency of your project will override the cost implication

4. Reduce the number of suppliers you use:
using one supplier for multiple products will save time and money on ordering, following up orders and general admin.

5. Compare your schedule to what's happening on site:
act on the information, if you need more time or materials adjust your overall plan

6. Look at the bigger picture:
when unexpected events occur, look at the overall schedule and adjust accordingly

7.Over deliver on time frame:
project managers can be overly optimistic with their scheduling, try doing the opposite; give your project generous time frames, you are then in a position to exceed expectations